Is Gum Regeneration Possible After Gum Disease?

When the gums become healthy, the tissue works snugly against the neck of the teeth, facilitating protective support and seal to your teeth. Although if the gum disease attacks, then the tissue starts swelling and irritates. The tissue starts to tear away from the teeth, permitting bacteria to fall below the gum line. As gum disease advances, the tissue constantly falls away from the teeth. This is the beginning to die off, causing the gum recession. It will enhance the risk of cavities and would lead to painful tooth sensitivity, and also have a severe effect on your smile. The dentists will help you in return back to the healthy and beautiful gum line with the Gum Regeneration Houston.

What is gum regeneration?

It is the procedure that helps in designing the receding gum line. Next, the collagen strips are put in the pouch. That pouch permits the gum to softly put back where it is from, protecting the root of the teeth.  This collagen will hold the gum in place and encourage this to grow new collagen on another side. Along with the two-months mark, the collagen is mixed with the complete replacement and absorbed with the new fresh gum growth. All these things are facilitated by the dental office Houston.

Gum would not develop back on its own but some methods are there to form the gum regeneration. These may be the regenerative materials and the operations which may cause gum regeneration. It can be moreover, have the best treatment options available for such problems with the LANAP Dental Procedure.

What are the signs of gum regeneration?

The main symptoms of gum regeneration or recession which you might observe are-

  • loose tooth
  • Bad breath
  • A disclosed tooth that causes sensitivity
  • Shrunken gums
  • Pain in gum line with the red and swollen gums
  • Bleeding after brushing or flossing

What are the causes of gum regeneration?

However, the gum diseases is the main causes gum recession, several other causes are-

  • Smoking, or using other tobacco products
  • Aggressive tooth brushing
  • Genetics
  • Misaligned teeth
  • Hormonal changes
  • Bruxism
  • Age

Can gums be regenerated?

No!! The damaged gums for instance periodontitis, the main serious form of gum diseases. However it is not possible for receding gums to grow back. Even in the receding gums would not be reversed after having the treatments which help in stopping the issues from getting worse.

Why do gums not regenerate?

It means that acids would not attack the tooth and its root, and the root is unsafe to decay as it does not have an enamel layer. The receding gums would not develop back because the gum tissue would not regenerate with many other tissues in the body.

How to prevent a gum recession?

Few steps are there to prevent the gum recessions from growing in its first place, or from happening again with the treatment. Houston Dental Center recommends that taking care of the mouth is vital. It is essential to brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once a day. When you brush your teeth, take care not to brush your teeth too hard. Also, clean your teeth professionally and have a proper examination every six months.


Hopefully, the above article helps you in understanding everything about gum regeneration. Furthermore, if you want to have more information about this disease and the Gum Regeneration Treatment Houston. Then do contact us at Laser Dental Center Houston!!

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