Frequent Bad Breath

Summary: If you know someone with frequent bad breath, speak to that person his/her condition in a way that constructive approach, not the other way around.

Bad Breath! It may sound disgusting, yet unfortunately it is the common problem in the present. What do you think is the reason why thousand and millions of dollars are spent to produce bad breath products and consumers spending a large amount of money to buy these products? It’s an obvious confirmation that this condition exist. People don’t only buy these stuffs just for oral and dental care, but also they purchase them to remedy their bad breath condition.

I once had a friend who suffered frequent bad breath. Our other friends and I couldn’t bring ourselves to tell her about her condition for fear that she might get hurt. I remembered her always eating mint candies and using mouthwash. At least, she knew then that she had bad breath. The cause of her condition is due to poor dental and gum care. Her gums frequently bleed and her teeth are not in “good shape”. We never got the chance to tell her until now and we are still friends.

But, before you practice your dialogue on how to tell someone of their bad breath, you should know that bad breath is sometimes temporary. Bad breath, though, is not only caused by dental and oral problems. It can be caused by certain foods they have eaten like onions and garlic, from smoking tobacco products, drinking alcoholic beverages, mixing medications such as paracetamol with alcohol, drinking too much coffee, or from an infection that will pass in a few days. But, all these causes are temporary and will be gone in a day or so. It’s a waste of time to embarrass a person by telling her or him the problem.

In the case of frequent bad breath, you may tell the person of the problem. That is if, you are more than just an acquaintance and maybe in a position to do so. If otherwise, or the person is someone in position of authority like your supervisor or boss, leave it alone unless you are going to smell his/her dragon breath.

If you are so determined to speak up and really eager to tell someone their bad breath condition, you should consider a lot of things from embarrassing to hurting the person’s feelings. Put your self in that person’s shoes. How would want the approach to be and how would you feel? These questions will serve as your guide on how to tell someone about their condition without causing so much damage. Before this “big day” comes, educate and equip yourself of any available remedies for frequent bad breath to be able to offer suggestions and not just deliver the news.

In addition, frequent bad breath is a sign of other serious health problem that needs immediate attention. If so, see your doctor the soonest possible time. If telling someone about the condition might help in determining if the frequent bad breath may or may not be due to undiagnosed health problem.

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