To hold your teeth in place custom devices are designed that are known as Retainers. After orthodontic treatment they’re prescribed, such as braces, after it’s been corrected or reshaped, to keep your bite in place. To wear a retainer for a long time can be irritating but it’s a mild inconvenience compared to having to go through braces all over again.
With braces after your teeth have been straightened, a retainer keeps your teeth from moving. For the new position of your teeth to become permanent, it can take at least four to six months. Your teeth will try to shift back to their original position, during that time, which is called relapse. A teeth retainer prevents this from happening when used as instructed.
After you have had your braces removed there are three types of retainers that orthodontists prescribe. To keep your teeth from moving and to settle them permanently in their new place, both types are prescribed:
When you remove it, clean your removable retainer with lukewarm water every time. When it’s still wet, rinsing your retainer with your saliva will keep food from hardening on your retainer.
You can purchase a special soaking product to soak your retainer in between uses if your Miami orthodontist recommends.
To scrub every part of your retainer once per day, you may also want to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste. As many kinds of toothpaste are abrasive and can scratch your retainer, do this carefully though. On which kind to use, consider asking your orthodontist for advice.
Use a clean cotton swab dipped in water to clean it out if food debris gets trapped in your retainer. Don’t try to wash it in the dishwater and don’t boil your retainer in water.
The cost of traditional Hawley retainers is between $150-600. Like an Invisalign or an Essix retainer, Replacement clear retainers cost between $400-4800. The first retainer you receive is usually included in the cost of your total orthodontic treatment. To place or replace permanent retainers cost between $150-$500.