What Is Sleep Apnea? Is Sleep Apnea A Severe Problem?

Sleep apnea means that breathing discontinues for momentary periods during sleep. When you stop breathing or have decreased airflow into your lungs during rest, you cannot sleep well and be extremely tired during the daytime.

Sleep apnea can vary from calm to extreme, based on how frequently breathing stops during bedtime. For grown-ups, breathing may stop as few as five times an hour to 30 or more times an hour. It occurs when the brain has a problem controlling breathing. Some individuals have both types. That’s called complex sleep apnea.

How is sleep apnea treated?

Sleep apnea changes Some lives. Try losing weight, resting on your side, and detouring drinks and pills like sedatives before bed. Sleep apnea is usually feasted with a CPAP appliance or machine that controls your airways from completing during rest. Nasal or Oral breathing devices may also help.

Treatments for sleep apnea will depend on your signs, age, and general health. It will also depend on how painful the situation is. Pills generally don’t work to treat sleep apnea.

It May Include:

Throat improves the air force. It’s the most ordinary device.

Adaptive servo-ventilation. It feels pauses in breathing and changes air pressure. It’s primarily used for central sleep apnea.

Here are some Causes Of Sleep Apnea

Two main classifications of apnea. A narrowed nose causes obstructive sleep apnea or blocked mouth or throat airways. Your airway can evolve blocked when your throat potencies and tongue calm during sleep. Central sleep apnea is caused by an issue with how the brain signals the breathing potencies.

What Raises Your Risk

  • Narrows circumference

Some heavy ones may have excess tissue around their narrows, increasing their risk for sleep apnea. The risk grows for a male whose neck is more than 43 cm around and for a female whose neck measures more than 41 cm.

  • Enlarged tissues of the nose, jaws, or throat.

Enlarged tissues in the nose, jaws, or throat can block your airway while you sleep, causing sleep apnea more likely. Surgery can occasionally repair the blockage and enhance sleep apnea.

  • Being male

Sleep apnea is more common in males.

  • Usage of drink or pill

Consuming alcohol or taking certain pills before sleeping can raise the chance of sleep apnea. Therapies include some types of sleeping drugs, opioids, and sedatives.

  • Family history.

If other family members have sleep apnea, you are more likely to have it than a person who doesn’t have a family history of it.

  • Smoking can raise your chances for sleep apnea because the nicotine in tobacco calms the muscles that keep the airways open.
  • Bone deformations.

Bone deformities of the beak, mouth, or throat can interrupt breathing, compelling apnea. Some people who have sleep apnea have a short, receding jaw.

Symptoms of sleep apnea

Symptoms you may notice include:

  • Issues with remembrance and concentration or attitude changes.
  • Daybreak headaches.
  • Getting up repeatedly during the night to urinate.
  • Feeling intensely sleepy during the day.
  • Feeling unrefreshed or exhausted after a nighttime’s sleep.


Sleep apnea is a sleep disease indicated by brief breathing interruptions during sleep. Signs include snoring, daytime tiredness and fatigue, and daybreak aches. An oral appliance sleep apnea usually improves your sleep apnea but may not completely control it. Two types of apnea: first, central sleep apnea, compelled by a failure of the brain to control breathing correctly, and second, obstructive sleep apnea, caused by a physical airway blockage. More senior age, obesity, and male sex are the most substantial risk factors. Make an appointment with a sleep apnea doctor for more information.

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